After quite a while I decided to come out to visit my mother in Minnesota. I've been working seven days a week all Summer long. So, naturally, once school started I had to begin planning some sort of vacation.
Plane tickets are super cheap- and my second cousins had been wanting me to bring out my equipment to tattoo them.
So the first day I was in for it & ended up tattooing for twelve hours straight. The next day was my second cousin's (Kella) 21st birthday. We celebrated it at my cousin Debbie's house in Zumbrota, Mn. My mom and I hauled the lumber she'd arranged to get from Kella's dad.
The next day was spent gathering supplies. It snowed. I can't say that I like the snow or the cold much unless i'm inside all snuggled up.
This morning was spent digging post holes then Debbie came by to help. Without her help, I don't think that we would have gotten all of the posts set in cement before sundown. That was awesome.
Yes! Looks like fun, except for the cold, forget that.